MobilGat is an SMS application for users of Gath and MinGat, which makes it easy to use Gatsoft two way SMS solution. The solution requires that your employer already uses Gat two-way SMS and that you are a registered user. Not sure - check with your employer!
MobilGat can for example be used for requesting your personal roster, department vaktbok etc. via SMS. NB! The solution is no ersatning for MinGat but a supplement if you can not reach MinGat via internet.
Instead of remembering the password, telephone number and format of SMS messages, you will MobilGat could enter the required information in single screens. MobilGat create SMS messages for the various services that are available from your employer. You can customize your own context menu so that it contains only those services that are relevant to you.
The messages will always be previewed before sending, so that no information will be sent until you approve the content and press [Send]. Please note that text messages sent via MobilGat will use the cellular network and incur charges as another SMS traffic.